Clip n Climb – next Wednesday & Friday

There are still places available for next weeks activity at Clip n Climb in Ilkley.

LIGHT blue are going on Wednesday 21st.

DARK Blue are going on Friday 23rd.

Please arrive for 19:15 outside Clip n Climb with pick up being at 20:45

The cost is £5 per Scout please bring the money with you on the night.


***Cancelled*** Dick Hudsons to Cow n Calf

Due to the weather forecast this evening the Leaders have taken the decision to cancel the walk on the Moors.

We will look to re arrange in better weather.

Please come to the Scout Hut as normal this evening in uniform and with a coat to go out.

the Leaders

Dick Hudson to Cow n Calf night Hike

This coming week each troop will be walking from Dick Hudson’s pub to the Cow and Calf.

Light Blue Troop will be meeting at Dick Hudson’s pub at 19:30 on Wednesday 14th and will be back at the car park at the Cow and Calf by 21:15.

Dark Blue Troop will be meeting at Dick Hudson’s pub at 19:15 on Friday 16th and will be back at the car park at the Cow and Calf by 21:15.

Please also bring money for Clip n’Climb the following week. No Permission form is required.

Igloo evening

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This evening, with a change of plans to the programme, the scouts have mainly been playing in the snow making igloos with washing up bowls!!